How Often Should I Replace My Atomizer Coil?
Posted by Gorilla Vapes on Nov 6th 2017
Like most good things in life, your atomizer
coil won’t last forever. But knowing when and how to replace your vape coil can
be tricky. Its lifespan can depend on how much you use it as well as your
vaping temperature which makes it challenging to give a solid answer that
applies to every vaper’s atomizer vape pen.
What Is An Atomizer Coil?
Before we get into the details, let’s do a quick review of your vape pen. An atomizer coil, also known as a replacement coil, is the part of your e-cig that is responsible for heating up your e-liquid so much that it turns it into vapor. They are made up of three parts: the coil, the casing and the wicking material. The coil, made of wire, is wrapped around the wicking material with both ends connected to the casing which makes contact with the battery.
When e-liquid enters the tank, the wicking material absorbs it. And when the battery is activated, the coil becomes hot which causes the saturated wicking material to vaporize. But in order to make that big vape cloud, everything needs to be in good working condition.
How Long Do Atomizers Usually Last?
Generally speaking, an atomizer e cig can last anywhere between a week to a month or more. But again, this number all depends on how much you use it as well as the temperature and wattage levels at which you vape. If you’re a regular vaper who like high temperatures, you’re going to need to replace your atomizer much more frequently than someone who vapes only on the weekends.
In addition to temperature and frequency, the quality of your atomizer coil can affect its lifespan. For example, if you invest in an atomizer vape pen made with titanium coils, it’s going to last you much longer than one you picked up at the dollar store. In addition, the e-liquid PG/VG consistency can also play a role in how long your atomizer coil will last. If you use an e-liquid with a high VG content regularly, you will need to replace your atomizer head more frequently.
When is it Time to Replace My Atomizer Coil?
So, since there’s not really a specific timeline to follow, how will you know that it’s time to replace your atomizer coil? Here are a few of the most notorious signs your atomizer coil is about to die out.
1. Reduced Vapor
You’ll know it’s time to change your atomizer coil when that big, thick cloud you’re used to experiencing all of a sudden starts disintegrate. Though it’s often a progressive change, if you start noticing a clogged airflow, take a look at your atomizer coil first.
2. Nasty Taste
If you notice a burnt taste next time you take a drag, you could either be looking at too little e-liquid in your tank, too much power or an atomizer that is on its last leg. Take a look at the material within your atomizer, if you notice it has started to discolor and become oversaturated, it may not be properly absorbing the liquid anymore.
3. Leaking E-Liquid
Another early sign of a failing atomizer coil is a leaking device. Have you ever taken a drag and experienced e-liquid that gets drawn up into your mouth? Now you know what to do about it.
4. Strange Sounds
If your coil isn’t heating the e-liquid fast enough, the atomizer head will flood and make strange sounds. As long as you’re not at a loud concert, you should be able to hear this gurgling noise clearly.
Ultimately, if you experience any of the signs above, you’ll need to order a replacement atomizer coil sooner than later. In the meantime, if you have any questions, never hesitate to reach out and connect with the experts at Gorilla Vapes directly.